2012年 Centrum(メタル・アート・ミュージアム 千葉、佐倉)
Scope of sanctuary 聖域の領域(ギャラリー四門 横浜)
2015年 Yogyakalta Biennale 2015(ジョグジャカルタ、インドネシア)
中之条ビエンナーレ2015, エンプティガーデン(群馬県、中之条)
2014年 4 Mediations Biennale Poznan 2014(ポーランド、ポズナン)
2013年 中之条ビエンナーレ2013(群馬県、中之条)
2014年 Zushi Art Site 2014(神奈川県、逗子)
2012年 Ability(ギャラリーQ 銀座、東京)
2011年 World Art Delft Sculptures II(オランダ)
2010年 World Art Delft Sculptures(オランダ)
2009年 2nd World Art Delft Poetry II -World Art Delft(オランダ)
2014年 Lnadscape as a memory 3(オランダ)
2013年 Lnadscape as a memory II(オランダ)
2012年 Lnadscape as a memory(オランダ)
2009年 Hommage to the City of Delft-World Art Delft(オランダ)
2008年 Recycle Art -World Art Delft-(オランダ)
Kouji Ohno
Solo Exhibitions
2016 Neural network (Iwasaki Museum, Yokohama)
2012 Centrum (Metal Art Museum Hikarinotani, Japan)
2012 Scope of sanctuary (Gallery Simon, Yokohama)
2015 Yogyakalta Biennale 2015 (Yogyakalta, Indnesia)
2015 Nakanojo Biennale 2015 Empty Garden plan (Nakanojo, Gunma, Japon)
2014 4 Mediations Biennale 2014 Poznan(Poland, Poznan)
2013 Nakanojo Biennale (Nakanojo, Gunma, Japon)
2014 Landscape as a memory3(The Netherlands,WAD,LAD)
2013 Landscape as a memory2(The Netherlands,WAD,LAD)
2012 Lnadscape as a memory (The Netherlands,WAD,LAD)
2009 “Hommage to the City of Delft- World Art Delft” (The Netherlands)
2008 “Recycle Art – World Art Delft” (The Netherlands)
Group Exhibitions
2012 Ability (Gallery Q, Ginza, Tokyo)
2011 World Art Delft Sculptures II (The Netherlands,WAD)
2010 World Art Delft Sculptures (The Netherlands,WAD)
2009 2nd World Art Delft Poetry II -World Art Delft-(The Netherlands,WAD)
Storage Element 2015
Nakanojo Biennale 2015
Camphole wood with color, stainless wire, ultraviolet light
Is the human life just only for the preservation succession of DNA?
Is the human body just only for the preservation succession of DNA?
The greatest characteristic found in Ohno’s work is his technique of carving out a single Japanese wood with a chisel, and hollowing it out to create a very thin wooden body. Elevated spirituality dwells within the human forms based on his study of anatomy and drawings of the interior exterior of the human body. What is the meaning of life? Where do our souls go?
Requirments 2014
4 Mediations Biennale 2014
What do we need?
About 13.8 billion years ago, the universe began with the Big Bang.
Current population counts around 70 billion while 30 billion of them live in an urban area.
Is urbanization a sign of a development?
In what way do we decide to coexist with the nature?
Each art work represents one question.
I would like to consider with the viewers possible answers for all 6 questions coming from my sculptural installations.
Where are we going to?
The exhibition entitled Requirements consists of 6 installations situated in 6 different rooms.
Three first rooms show minimalistic, primitive spaces.
One of them hides a tree made from thin iron wires, being a metaphor of producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide.
In the second room, there’s a pond filled with water.
The value of water as a key element on the earth for all the living organisms in the world is undisputable.
The third room, paved with black and white stones refers to the long history of earth.
Minimalistic, square composition of white stones surrounded by black is a mirror reflection of the light coming into the room through an old window.
Opacities coming from a white fabric stretched to the window, refers to the long history.
While three first rooms pay tribute to the elements of nature, that have been required by human beings from time immemorial, other rooms are devoted to the modern human life.
A circle in the rebar welded square is an image of a nuclear power plant that was broken by a melt down.
Next room, configured by the waste of iron, symbolizes the lifeline of urban people.
Finally, how would you interpret a mysterious object emerging from the darkness in a last room?
From Ocean
World Art Delft The Netherlands
people used small boats for land reclamation and transport etc from middle ages.
People’s past memory is also vague images. However, the past memory will be remembered if it understand that it is a form of a boat. People will begin to talk to the history and the scene and culture etc etc etc…..
July-August, 2014 Artist in residence in World Art Delft/Land art Delft