Simon Whetham – Everyday Emanations –

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 この度、S.Y.P Art Space ではSimon Whethamの個展  – Everyday Emanations - を開催します。 身近にある様々なものから音を拾い集め、それを再構成するサウンドパフォーマンス・インスタレーションです。今まで使われて、不要になったものなどのもつ中から湧き出る振動を拾い集めます。

●OPEN   2017. 2. 6 (Mon)18:00 ~ 20:00,  2. 7 (Tue) ~ 2. 11 (Sat) 13:00 ~ 19:00
● Party : 2. 6 (Mon) 18:00 ~ 20:00


Title: “Everyday Emanations”

Artist: Simon Whetham

Materials: Found sound, found objects, light

Sounds of the city play through various found everyday objects, suspended in the space.
The objects are discarded, considered no longer useful. They vibrate with the sounds that surround us each day.
These sounds trigger lights inside the objects, causing us to further reconsider their original purpose.
The sound and light changes our perception of the objects, the space, it’s volume, dimensions, scale.
Through re-contextualising the objects, sounds and space, we can renew our appreciation of the assumed mundanity of our surroundings.